Zodiac Gemstone Forecast: Jan 25 – Jan 31

Your astral or zodiac gemstone is based on ancient correspondences – unlike birthstones, which take into account popularity and cultural preferences. Find the stone that matches your zodiac sign to see what’s in store for you this week.



Have been feeling a bit prickly, Aquarius? Well, it’s no wonder with too many people demanding too much, you finally drew the line. Hard. This week, you’ll find yourself reaching out to few people on the other side of that line, and you’ll be glad you did. Careful not to let anyone take advantage. This weekend will be a good time to complete a few projects.


Amethyst - Pisces

If you’ve found yourself a little more alone than normal, Pisces, fear not! This week you’ll be clearing up a few misunderstandings. You may even wonder what had you so hot under the collar in the first place. Now is also a good time to think about learning a new skill. Don’t let fear hold you back. This weekend take a second look at some big plans.


RUBY - ARIESFeeling ambitious, Aries? You may be late to the resolutions party, but you’re feeling the urge to shoot for the stars this week. Now is the time to get those 2016 goals together! Keep those goals in mind when you decide who to spend your weekend with.  Networking can get you everywhere. Get ready because Sunday may bring a you a little romance!


YELLOW TOPAZ - TAURUSWe know just how much the bull likes to run, and this is the week to plan for your next excursion, Taurus. If you’ve been finding yourself blurting the…unvarnished truth lately, you’ll be glad to know that the diplomacy fairy will be making a much needed visit this week. Good thing because it’s time to have that talk you’ve been putting off for a while.


CITRINE - GEMINIGemini, if you’ve been suffering from a case of over-thinking, now is the time to put up or shut up. If you’ve been looking for clarity in a relationship – whether personal or professional – get it nailed down once and for all. This weekend you’ll re-up your commitment to some healthy living goals, just remember that moderation is the key to success!



Cancer this might just be your week for amore! Maybe you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places – or finding yourself constantly at odds with your other half? Either way, this week you’ll be sparking all the right flames. This is also the time to make some great business connections. Remember it’s all about confidence and having fun!


GARNET - LEOThe best laid plans of lions and men… You had great intentions at the beginning, but somewhere along the way you may have lost your steam. That’s okay! There’s nothing magic about January 1st. Get back on track whenever you’re ready – maybe this is the week?. Remember to set realistic goals this time, and don’t be afraid to ask for a little help.



Have you been hiding again, Virgo? It’s time to step into the light and receive some well-deserved credit for all your behind the scenes work. If you let them, all eyes will be on you this week – so make sure to dress your best. If you’ve been in a romantic slump lately, the tides are turning, my friend. Prepare yourself for some spontaneity  this weekend!


Copy of Copy of GARNET - LEOMy, my Libra – you’ve been a bit cranky. No fear, your normal diplomacy will be back this week. If you’ve been snappy it might be time to make amends. This weekend will bring with it a commit or quit moment. Just remember to be kind no matter what your decision. If you’ve been planning a move, now is the time to get serious – and don’t forget that budget!


AQUAMARINE - SCORPIOYou may have found yourself unable to find common ground with a person(s) lately, Scorpio. It’s time to repair bridges before they burn. You’ll find it easier to let old resentments and arguments go. If you’ve been having the same conversation over and over, you might just find a solution this week. In short compromise is the name of the game!


MANDARIN GARNET - SAGITTARIUSSagittarius, if you’ve been suffering an upside down income flow, this week should bring some relief. You’ll finally be able to take a breath and make a plan, so you don’t end up in the pinch again. Those pie in the sky dreams are absolutely possible – but you have to live on the earth in the meantime. Make a budget and look for ways to increase income!


GREEN TOURMALINE - CAPRICORNIf you’ve been feeling scattered, Capricorn, you’ll be pleased to know that your focus is back this week – as well as your ability to prioritize. You may have run into some communication bumps with friends or coworkers earlier in the month, and now is the time to smooth them out. Make time in the busy social calendar for your nearest and dearest!

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christine January 26, 2016 - 1:16 pm

My horoscope sounds fairly accurate.

illiciumlondon September 24, 2024 - 12:18 pm

I love how you delved into your blog post. The depth of your analysis is impressive. It brought to mind a conversation on illiciumlondon. I’d love to hear your thoughts on this more. Keep it up!

SuperJeweler December 1, 2024 - 8:42 am

Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed the depth of the analysis. I’d love to hear more about your conversation on Illicium London—sounds like an interesting topic! Feel free to share your thoughts, and I’d be happy to explore it further. Thanks for the encouragement!


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