
Zodiac Gemstone Forecast: SEP 28 – OCT 3

Astral or zodiac gemstones are based on ancient correspondences – unlike birthstones, which take into account popularity and cultural preferences. Find the stone that matches your zodiac sign to see what’s in store for you this week.


This week brings with it the need to see and be seen, Aquarius! Don’t resist the urge to get together with friends for summer’s last hurrah before cold weather begins creeping in. Toward the end of the week, though, Mercury will have a lot of people on edge – so this weekend is the perfect time to begin that fall purge and get organized!


Pisces, it’s no secret that you love a little pampering – but you’ll want to spend with one eye on your budget early in the week – lest you find yourself without funds by the weekend. Mercury in retrograde may have emotions running high toward the end of the week. Try to reign in that inner diva to avoid an unnecessary blow up – by Sunday it’ll all blow over!


It’s time to get creative, Aries! Count on being in fearless form early in the week, and get ready to be noticed (not that you ever mind a little attention). Be sure to reign it in a bit – or at least look before you leap by the end of the week. If you find yourself at odds with a partner this weekend, a little personal accountability will go a long way toward a quick mend!


Despite your usual “bull-headedness,” Taurus – you’ll find it surprisingly easy to roll with the punches at the start of the week. Take a look at a situation that you know has been in need of a change now, because this is the week you’ll find yourself ready to make a transition. Toward the end of the week make sure to prioritize so you don’t wear yourself out!


Gemini, this may be the week to take stock of where you’ve been putting your emotions. Drawn as you are to thinkers and artists, this can occasionally leave you with people who are less than sensitive. It may be time to lose someone who doesn’t have your interests at heart. At the end of the week be wary of possible jealousies at work or in social circles.


Get ready to shine, Cancer! You should be feeling ambitious early in the week and it won’t go unnoticed. Don’t be surprised if you’re given more responsibility at work. No need to get overwhelmed, there’s nothing wrong with asking for assistance! Try to avoid becoming swept up in other’s drama toward the end of the week.


Leo calls it like she (or he) sees it, but you might want to tread cautiously this week. Early in the week, you may find yourself dying to share some amazing insights, but hold off. Others might not be so interested in hearing them. Things pick up toward the end of the week with a possible unexpected reunion with an old friend.


Have you been keeping something to yourself, Virgo? Don’t be surprised if the cat claws it’s way out of the bag this week – but sometimes these things happen for the best. A frank discussion with a loved one will bring you closer. Keep a close eye on your finances toward the end of the week. Look at your spending and ask yourself if all of it is really necessary.


Libra, if someone new has recently caught your eye – now may be good time to explore the possibilities a little deeper. If ALL your friends don’t get it – don’t worry. They’ll come around. You may be feeling the need to come out of the shadows and call a little attention to yourself at work. Cross all your t’s and dot those i’s before you raise the curtain!


This week, Scorpio, you’ll need to be the calm in the storm. Others will be looking to you to set the tone. Also, your natural eye for detail will be key to avoiding future problems. Don’t be afraid to speak up and be seen. You may need to release a grudge in order to move forward this week. Try taking a little ‘stay’cation this weekend.


Sagittarius, you naughty minx! The beginning of this week may see sparks flying between you and a crush or significant other. Have fun – but now’s not the time for making promises. Mercury in retro might wreak havoc on your communication late in the week. Take a deep breath and try to avoid letting your ego take over!


Don’t be surprised by uninvited (though, not necessarily unwelcome) guests this week, Capricorn! Early in the week you’ll be feeling inspired to do some nesting or start a new project. By the middle of the week, you may notice you’re running out of steam. The end of the week might be the right time to take a look at your goals and rededicate yourself.

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