
Zodiac Gemstone Forecast: May 16 – 22

Your astral or zodiac gemstone is based on ancient correspondences – unlike birthstones, which take into account popularity and cultural preferences. Find the stone that matches your zodiac sign to see what’s in store for you this week.


Gemstone: Sapphire, Jan 22 – Feb 19

Aquarius, if most of your focus has been directed to hearth and home lately, it’s time to shift gears. Your focus is about to find a new target. Love is in the air and you could stumble into the path of a mysterious stranger or spark up an old flame. Try not to get so caught up in the other person that you forget about yourself. Never settle for less than you deserve.


Gemstone: Amethyst, Feb 20 – Mar 20

Pisces, you may be feeling like you’ve been caught in a social whirlwind lately. While that much activity is exciting at first, eventually we all need to take a breather. Go home, put your feet up, and have a glass of wine. If you’ve been a little out of touch with family lately, consider inviting one of your nearest and dearest over for good, old-fashioned heart to heart. Focus on creating an environment that puts you at peace and truly feels like home.


Gemstone: Ruby, Mar 21 – Apr 19

Aries, get ready to network. Sometimes in this world of social media and online communities, we forget that we have real communities, too! If you’ve been feeling the need to deepen your roots lately, get out in your own community or neighborhood. Unplug your devices. Organize a cookout, attend a local sporting event, or try taking a class. Virtual reality is convenient, but it isn’t the same as creating something in the real world.


Gemstone: Yellow Topaz, Apr 20 – May 20

Taurus, have you been celebrating your birthday season hard? Good for you! Enjoy it until Friday because after that it’s time enjoy simple pleasures. Now is a good time to take inventory of your finances. Open a savings account or give investing a try. Look for ways to save more, and start thinking about how you can increase your income. You might be surprised by what you can accomplish!


Gemstone: Citrine, Mar 21 – Jun 19

Now is the time to focus on you, Gemini! Have you been holding on to a person or situation that isn’t working? It might be time to let it go – or at least let it go for now. Opportunities may present themselves for joint business ventures this weekend, but don’t let yourself be pulled into something that doesn’t feel right. You may need to make the decision to cut a toxic relationship out of your life.


Gemstone: Alexandrite, June 20 – Jul 22

As your birthday season nears, Cancer, you may be feeling the urge for fresh starts. Use this time to de-clutter and rid yourself of anything that no longer serves a purpose in your life. Take it ones step further, though. Are there things you’ve lost that you miss? Consider reaching out to an old friend – or dusting off a dream that you thought was gone for good. It’s never to late!


Gemstone: Garnet, Jul 23 – Aug 22

Leo, if you’ve been working toward a professional goal now is the time for perseverance. You’re making strides, just don’t give up. Consider signing up for a workshop or seeking someone who’s succeeded before you if you feel your energy flagging. A new person may be getting ready to enter your romantic sphere, which could help you renew some of that enthusiasm for life in the coming weeks.


Gemstone: Emerald, Aug 23 – Sep 22

Is all this Spring weather giving you a case of wanderlust, Virgo? There’s no reason to fight it. If you have the time and the funds – go ahead and take off on an adventure. If, on the other hand, you just can’t swing it then treat you hometown the way you would treat a vacation spot. Seek out local attractions, try new places that you’ve been meaning check out. Sometimes all you need is shift in perspective.


Gemstone: Peridot, Sep 23 – Oct 22

Libra, if you’ve been feeling like you’re in the midst of secret society with coded language and murky motives – you only need to deal with it a little longer. After Mercury’s retrograde on June 7th, you’ll be poised to be direct and get the straight answers  you’ve been searching for. You may find yourself infatuated with a long-distance amour. Don’t let the miles put you off…


Gemstone: Aquamarine, Oct 23 – Nov 21

If you’ve been feeling like things have been a little off in your relationship lately this is the week to give it a tune-up. Open the lines of communication and clear the air of any misunderstandings or grudges. In addition to some relationship maintenance, now is also a good time to give some thought to increasing your income. You might see an opportunity unfold that will give a boost in the finance department.


Gemstone: Mandarin Garnet, Nov 22 – Dec 21

Sagittarius, you’re so close! Whatever goal you’ve been working toward – the light at the end of the tunnel is beginning to shine. The message for this week is don’t give up. It’ll be worth it in the long-run. The time is coming to reap the rewards and praise for all your hard work. Even if you’re feeling overwhelmed now, you’ll soon realize that you’re stronger and more capable than you ever believed!

Gemstone: Green Tourmaline, Dec 22 – Jan 19

If you’re still in the throws of Spring fever, don’t fight it Capricorn! Your charm and charisma is beaming full-blast. Don’t be surprised if the people around you just can’t bring themselves to say no to anything you ask. After this weekend, you’ll be re-energized and ready to get back down to business. It’s a good thing, too, because you can expect to be busier than ever. If you’ve been ruminating on some pie-in-the-sky ideas – now is the time to kick them off!

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